— BY REMON — IN Personal growth
8 must-read books for designers
It is better to read one book and do something with it than to read 12 books a year and then not take action to implement it in your daily life.
I have never been much of a reader of books. At school, I always skim books because I had to. I didn’t see its value then, and I didn’t have the motivation and concentration to read. I preferred to go and watch Netflix series or do other things to relax.
But in recent years, that has changed. Reading books has helped me develop ideas and create systems for my daily life as a designer. It has led to enormous growth as a person in terms of communication, investing, leadership, growth personally, creatively, and time management. So now I read about 4 to 6 books a year, mostly on holiday:) lying by the pool with sunglasses on, sipping a cocktail, and keeping an eye on my kids. My goal is to read at least six books every year to get new insights and have fresh ideas to make my work better.
Here are some of my personal favorites from the last few years to get you started. I would highly recommend them to every designer.
How to Win Friends & Influence People
Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products