— BY REMON — IN Business

A Mission Statement

I want to give you a NorthStar so you can focus on the things that make the difference.

I get lots of questions from designers what my design process is and how I go through certain steps. To give you a look behind the scenes of my life as a designer, I’d love to help and inspire you as a designer so you can get better clients and projects. In addition, I’d like to help you improve your skills so you are not so quickly overwhelmed. So you have a NorthStar to keep your focus on the things that make the difference. These are the reasons why I started this blog. My writing is not super and English is not my first language; I also have problems with grammar, but this does not discourage me from writing:)

Guiding Mission

To determine for myself in a quick way what requirements my blog should meet, I have drawn up this mission statement. Writing a guiding mission is a NorthStar for me that helps me make the right choices and set my targets of what I want to achieve with my blog. To make it more palpable and give myself direction, I have written out the mission in simple bullets. I think that it is always a good way when you start something new to get yourself a piece of paper and enter simple points on it, it need not be elaborative. It may turn out different in the future, but is rather intended as a guideline for myself to return to after a year and see where I am at that moment. During the ride other things will emerge after much experimenting and improving. But with this list, I always have something to return to and make adjustments to these points.

So here is the list:

  • Put my brain in the world, so like-minded people will find me online
  • Build a community of (1.000 real fans) who like and trust me
  • Give you a look behind the scenes of my design process
  • Hope to give you confidence as a designer
  • Give what I know for free
  • Answer people’s questions
  • Share the things I would have liked to know in the past
  • Send an inspiring article every month
  • Help you find better clients and projects

Author picture

Hi! I'm Remon Leijtens

I hope you got value out of my writing. If I can help in some small way on your design journey I’d love to hear it – comment below, email me or tweet at me.

Let's Connect: Dribbble / Instagram / Twitter

Grab my free design library (Notion)


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